Advocacy in Action

All-Arrupe Program Meetings
During our meetings, we host guest speakers, or participate in a social justice workshop event. We get together to explore social justice ideas as a community. Past guest speakers have included author Reyna Grande, Civil rights attorney Subodh Chandra, and our own alumni.

Fall All-Arrupe Advocacy Project
In the Fall, students plan, lead and organize our annual “Footprints for Fatima 5K” to benefit the Fatima Family Center and the Fatima Food drive. While we do raise funds to feed 150 families in Cleveland’s Hough neighborhood, we also create awareness about food insecurity in our city through advocacy.

Spring Power & Privilege Conference
Led by the sophomore and junior classes, the conference focuses on exploring a specific social justice issue every year. Past issues have included: Race & Racism, Equity in Education, and Advocacy in Action. The conference is fully planned, organized, and run by students and includes a keynote speaker. Click the link below to learn more.
All-Arrupe Community Bonding
We hold community-building social events throughout the year. These are for fun! Our latest included a kickball game followed by a frozen custard truck & lots of laughter.

Senior Advocacy Projects
Arrupe seniors run capstone advocacy projects their last year in the program. In the past, these have included: podcasts on various social justice issues, authoring a book on girls for children, creating a week-long event on immigration, leading a daily SNAP challenge and poverty simulation, among others.

Fatima Food Drive
Each year, Arrupe Social Justice Scholars collect monetary donations to provide Thanksgiving meals to over 100 families served by the Fatima Family Center in Cleveland's Hough community.