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Once the Committee on Administrative Policies has drafted, considered, and/or reviewed a policy, it is shared with the Senior Leadership Team for comments and questions.  Afterward, it is posted for public comment for 30 days.  Following the comment period, the Committee will consider all feedback received and respond to all signed feedback, possibly make changes to the policies, and vote to formally approve them.  

All comments are anonymous unless the comment-writer signs the comment by including identifying information.

The P-Card below will be posted at least through the end of the work day on December 12, 2024. The Course Buy-Out Policy will be posted at least through the end of the work day on January 17, 2025.


The existing P-Card policy was out-dated. This revision, along with the P-Card Manuel linked within it, codifies existing practices.

The full text of the draft policy is available here.

Please provide your comments on the revisions.  

Grants and other sponsored programs often allow the prinicpal investigator to buy a course release in order to complete the work of the grant. This policy establishes the cost of a course buyout, where the money for the buyout goes, and other important guidelines around this issue.

The full text of the draft policy is available here.

Please provide your comments on the revisions.