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IRB Members:

The John Carroll University IRB assists faculty, staff, and student researchers with the development of research protocols that minimize risks to participants, ensure appropriate procedures for obtaining informed consent, provide adequate protection for vulnerable populations, and protect participants’ privacy.


Current members of the JCU Institutional Review Board:

  • Gregory Farnell, Ph.D., IRB Chair
    Professor, Exercise Science & Sports Leadership
  • Rebecca Drenovsky, Ph.D.
    Associate VP for Academic Affairs, Ex officio voting member
  • Deniz Durmus, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor, Philosophy
  • Ali Lombardo, J.D., M.Ed, Assistant IRB Chair
    Director of Sponsored Programs, Ex officio non-voting member
  • Carole Moran Krus, M.S., CIP
    Research Compliance Administrator, Ex officio voting member
  • Iman Raoofpanah, Ph.D. 
    Assistant Professor, Marketing, Boler College of Business
  • Therese Sweeney-Drake, J.D.
    Non-affiliated, community member
  • John Yost, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor, Psychology
  • Jacquelyn Zera, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor, Exercise Science & Sports Leadership

    (8 voting members)

Alternate Members (non-voting unless participating as an alternate):


  • Shawn Burton, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor, Counseling
  • Sarah Hope, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor, Counseling
  • Gloria Vaquera, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor, Sociology & Criminology

IRB Meetings:

The IRB schedules three meetings each semester (Fall and Spring). Full Board reviews must be reviewed and voted on during a fully convened IRB meeting when a quorum is present.

FALL 2024 Scheduled Meetings:

  • August 21, 1:30-3:00 pm, SIH10
  • October Meeting: TBA

Please see the IRB Administrator for more information about Full Board reviews and for future IRB meeting agendas.

The John Carroll IRB does not meet over the summer break, but Expedited reviews and Exempt determinations can be done during the summer months.