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The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at John Carroll University is responsible for reviewing all research and teaching protocols involving the use of live vertebrate animals in order to ensure compliance with federal, state, and local regulations. The IACUC also conducts semiannual inspections of the John Carroll animal research program and facilities.

The role of the IACUC is to ensure that all animals used for teaching and research purposes are treated in a humane and sensitive manner and that no animals are used unnecessarily for these activities. The John Carroll University IACUC currently consists of nine members, including John Carroll faculty and staff members, a veterinarian, a community member, and a non-scientist.

  • Carl Anthony, Ph.D.
    Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology
  • Ms. Diane Bruosta
    Non-affiliated community member
  • Rebecca Drenovsky, Ph.D.
    Associate VP for Academic Affairs
    Professor, Department of Biology
    Voting, ex officio IACUC member
  • Ali Lombardo, J.D., M.Ed
    Director of Sponsored Programs
    Non-voting, ex officio IACUC member
  • Carole Moran Krus, M.S., CIP
    IACUC Administrator
    Non-voting, ex officio IACUC member
  • Hector Munoz-Ramirez, D.V.M., Ph.D.
    IACUC Veterinarian, non-affiliated member
  • Helen Murphy, Ph.D.
    Professor, Department of Psychological Science
  • Ralph Saporito, Ph.D., IACUC Chair
    Professor, Department of Biology
  • Earl Spurgin, Ph.D.
    Professor, Department of Philosophy
  • James Watling, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor/Chair, Department of Biology
IACUC Forms and Policy Statement

All faculty and student research projects involving the use of live vertebrate animals must be submitted to the IACUC using the Protocol Review Form for Animal Care and Use below. Classroom use of live animals for teaching purposes must also be approved by the IACUC.

At the one-year and two-year marks of continuing protocols, animal researchers must submit the IACUC Protocol Continuation Review Form below. If an animal research project is to continue beyond three years, a new Protocol Review Form for Animal Care and Use must be submitted before the end of the third year.

Name (leave blank for anonymous)